Actually, person I don't know: 8. I hate people who feel the need to add their input where it isn't wanted. Oh, no wait. Lemme do the next one too. 9. I hate people who always blog about the same exact thing.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
7. I'm vastly impatient when I wait for people to text me back after I send risky messages.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
6. I really want to write on his chalkboard wall. That's weird, I know.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
5. I no longer know what I want to do with my life. Nothing I choose will ever be good enough for them.
-Deep inside, I understand that friends come and go, but I often wish that some never come and others never leave.
-It is my honest belief that people are less than they seem, not more.
-I often feel like something was meant to be heartfelt, but somewhere along the way, I lost my heart, and for that I'm sorry. I know it won't be replaced or returned...